Sunday, March 27, 2011

Francesca Woodman

Francesca Woodman was an up and coming photographer in the late 1970s. She was best known for her black and white self-portraits. At the age of 22 she committed suicide but jumping out of a window. Much of her work can be looked at as a foreshadowing of her tragic death. many of her pictures depict a fleeting woman in and out of the composition. However grim her work may appear, there is an elegance to her work that I love. The simplicity of her subjects really make the viewer focus on what is going on. While Woodman's work can be quite ascetically beautiful, the message behind her work is still mystery. I admire her self-determination at the craft she had chosen and it is sad that she decided to leave the world so soon. I definitely would have been interested in seeing what her later work would have looked like. Only 120 of her images have ever been published or exhibited.

-Courtney Parkin

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